4 Reasons why more Women should start working with Bamboo
Bamboo is well-known for its fast and continuous growth, its ability to thrive without chemicals or pesticides, its capacity to absorb greenhouse gasses, and its potential to replace most of today’s uses of wood. Many experts across the world have faith in its capacity to support a regenerative future! But… What does this have to […]
A green future for Guatemala
Guatemala, meaning the land of the trees, is known for its vast forest, indigenous roots, and fertile volcanic soil. The forest across the land of Guatemala was once a source of food, medicine, and building materials for the ancient Maya. Most of the land has been deforested for extensive agricultural purposes to supply large corporations. […]
Women Collective’s: An answer to rural area’s challenges in Guatemala.
Evelyn, 19 years old inspiration of Nuevo Amanacer Collective in Suchitepequez region Women Collectives: An answer to rural area’s challenges in Guatemala. As I arrived in Guatemala in a small Kaqchikel village in the highlands. An hour away from this village is where we find some of the best cacao in the world. Interestingly, when […]